We’re a group of creative thinkers who have built a business to change the sports world.

Based in the Olympic Capital, Lausanne, Switzerland, Share of Voice is a global leader in data-driven solutions. A pioneer in the field, it harnesses the power of Big Data and Owned and Operated properties to deliver nuanced insights that inform strategy, distribution, localisation, and monetisation efforts. The expertise it accumulates from around the globe sets it apart, making it a go-to resource for intelligence in its industry.

The company was founded by an innovator with a distinguished track record, . This founder and CEO was the first to introduce live web broadcasting to the International Olympic Committee in 2001, revolutionising the way we engage with international sports and various stakeholders. The founder's forward-thinking approach didn't stop there. He went on to amass tens of millions of followers for the International Olympic Committee, expanding the IOC's digital footprint exponentially. Today, Share of Voice continues to innovate, guided by its founder's visionary leadership and commitment to staying at the cutting edge of technology.

Harnessing billions of data points, Share of Voice taps into the pulse of the sports industry with unrivalled depth. Its arsenal of sophisticated tools powers the company's comprehension of the evolving landscape. To demonstrate its capabilities, Share of Voice has developedSponsorSeeker.org
Sponsor Seeker is a cutting-edge platform leveraging psychographics from Audiense. This platform is designed to empower athletes, teams, and brands, offering them a clear understanding of their followers and providing insights into the most effective content to publish. This knowledge is a clear path to monetisation.

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(c) Copyright 2024 Share Of Voice, Lausanne, Switzerland