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Empower Her: The Skateboarding Stars and Sport of Influence

Sidewalks to Stadiums

Introduction and Context:
The world of skateboarding is evolving rapidly, and the influence of social media on the sport is undeniable. Analysis of social data from 176 million skateboarding enthusiasts reveals a predominantly male audience. However, there is a growing opportunity to engage with female fans through two highly influential female athletes.

Big Social Media Data from 176 million users that engage with Skateboarding worldwide

Highlighting Key Figures:
Rayssa Leal from Brazil and Sky Brown from the UK are changing the narrative in skateboarding. At just 13 years old, they captivated the world during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics (held in 2021) and amassed a combined following of over 8 million on Instagram. Their youthful, predominantly female audience sends a strong message to brands seeking to connect with this demographic: female athletes like Leal and Brown are unparalleled as brand ambassadors, authentically delivering messages to their vast and engaged audiences.

Sky Brown

Sky Brown's Instagram followers by age and gender split

Sky Brown's audience skews more female than male.

Top 3 most notable followers:

Rayssa Leal

Rayssa Leal's Instagram followers by age and gender split

Rayssa Leal's audience skews more female than male.

Top 3 most notable followers

Audience segmentation:
Understanding the audience over time is crucial for effective engagement. Data shows that skateboarding audiences in Brazil, with their unique cultural landscape, present a unique opportunity for brands.

Historical data from 176 million people engaging with Skateboarding on social media during the past 12 months

Breaking down Brazil:
Out of 176 million people, we found 25.4 million Brazilians engaging in skateboarding content, including 1.7 million women aged 18 to 25 who align with a 'Non-Conformist' persona. By delving into their interests, brands can better understand their preferences and the type of content that resonates with them.

Various female segmented audiences in Brazil

The non conformist female persona in Brazil 18-25 years old

Top 8 most indexed abroad media of this audience

Strategic Recommendations:
To effectively grow engagement with women in sports, brands need to:

  • Understand the global and local footprint of the sport.
  • Dive deep into the preferences of the audience.
  • Identify influencers who best align with the brand's campaign goals.

This comprehensive understanding will empower brands to build meaningful connections with the female audience and elevate their influence in sports.

Integrating social data into decision-making is crucial for brands seeking success in this domain. Global and localised sports and athlete data offer invaluable insights into how female athletes can lead the way in connecting with new demographics and enhance brand influence.

Data sourced from Audiense