Share of Voice

Share of Voice Analysis: Unique Lifestyle Trends in Esports Engagement

Share of Voice has conducted a comprehensive data analysis on over 460 million individuals engaged with popular esports games, including Dota 2, Fortnite, and League of Legends (LOL). This analysis reveals surprising lifestyle preferences, significant gender demographic insights, and specific interests predominantly within the Gen Z audience.

This groundbreaking research offers an in-depth look at the diverse tastes in fashion, health, and beverage preferences of those deeply involved in the esports gaming community.

Fashion and Health Trends: The Esports community, notably within the Gen Z demographic, shows a strong preference for luxury brands like Diesel and Gucci, moving away from the stereotypical gamer image. Additionally, there's a trend towards healthier eating, indicating a lifestyle that values wellness.

Gender Demographics in Esports: Remarkably, the gender distribution among esports enthusiasts is becoming more inclusive. It closely mirrors the current average gender following on social media for International Sport Federations participating in the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics. This trend highlights the increasingly inclusive nature of Esports.

Beverage Preferences: The Gen Z audience in esports has a distinct preference for Diet Coke and whiskey, adding a unique dimension to their lifestyle profile.

Extensive Points of Interest: Share of Voice has uncovered over 1,500 points of interest related to esports content engagement, offering valuable insights for targeted marketing and audience engagement strategies.

Broader Insights: The study also reveals the tech-savviness and active social engagement of the esports audience, moving beyond the traditional perception of gamers.

This in-depth analysis by Share of Voice offers a nuanced understanding of the Esports community. It is invaluable for brands and marketers aiming to connect effectively with this diverse and evolving audience.

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Data sourced from Audiense